mGinger Myths

Myth Number 1: I will get rich through mGinger. I will make a living out of mGinger earnings.
No! You will not! We certainly wish mGinger could make you rich, but this idea is not capable of doing that. Hypothetically, if you have thousands in your network and if advertisers have come in full blown and everybody in your network is receiving their maximum number of ads, you could. But realistically, that has a very low probability of happening.
You are inherently worth a lot more, get a job or do something of your own and you will realize your full potential. View mGinger for what it is: a way to get rid of spam, a way to get useful information which is relevant to you, a way to get a bit of pocket money.
Your real gains will come from the offers you can get through mGinger.
Lets say, you spend Rs 5000 every month on certain items. When you select these as your interest areas and advertisers for these items send you “discount ads” which result in a saving of, say, 10%. Then, you save Rs 500. Instead of spending Rs 5000 you spend Rs 4500.
Or, if you plan to buy a bike and an advertiser sends you an “Insurance Free” offer, then if you buy it you save Rs 1500 (approx.).
This is your real monetary benefit. mGinger’s payout is just a compensation for taxing your brain (as explained in a previous blog).

Myth Number 2: I will start receiving mGinger ads from the moment I register.
When you said “I want a maximum of 10 ads per day” during sign-up, it doesn’t mean that you will get 10 ads every day from the moment you sign up. It is just a preference, a maximum. You might receive no ads on some days, 1 ad on some and so on up to a maximum of 10 ads on some days.
Whether you receive an ad or not depends on advertisers. Most of you understand this, but there are some who are thinking that it is an instantaneous process.
First of all, advertisers have to notice us. They have to start accepting this new medium. It will TAKE TIME. So, this is our recommendation: sign up, wait and let us go after the advertisers. Again, it is a slow process.
Advertisers typically ask for a profile. Some target students, some target salaried people, some target males, others married…they target based on interest, age, gender, location, profession, education etc. So, if you get an ad and your friend doesn’t, it is probably because your friend’s profile doesn’t fit the advertiser’s needs and yours does. There are advertisers looking for every kind of profile. So, don’t worry about yours.
The upshot is: It will take time!
How much time? Very difficult to tell. We will have better answers maybe in a month.

Myth Number 3: mGinger promised me Rs X every month.
mGinger is just a medium. You will get paid only when you get ads. You get ads only when the advertisers come to this medium and then are willing to target you. So, mGinger doesn’t and actually cannot promise you any particular number of ads per day or particular amount of money every month.

How will a baby like mGinger grow?

Yes, mGinger is still a baby. Infact, an infant. We are just 25 days old. We have very few number of users yet.

Imagine this:

We go to an advertiser and tell him that we have 1000 users in Delhi interested in clothes. Do you think he will be impressed? If you do, you need to go and talk to some advertiser once! Advertisers are impressed with big numbers. They want to reach a lot of people (result of conventionality).

For you to get ads consistently, the first thing that is needed is a large number of users in our network. But, here is the chicken and egg problem, to get a large number of users, we need to get advertisers willing to send ads to the small number of existing users. But advertisers look at us mainly when we have large number of users. You get the drift….

It is a tough problem to solve and we are working 24/7 to solve it. So, to begin with, we are looking for those daring non-conventional advertisers who understand the value of precise targeting. Slowly, as our numbers grow, we will get more advertisers.

The key thing is this: GROW YOUR NETWORK. TRUST US.

We are going nowhere till we prove that this is the way to advertise.



Is mGinger fake?

We have seen some blogposts where people were claiming that we are fake. They are quite funny actually.

Think about it:

How can we be fake?

Are IITians fake ???? are ISB,Hyderabad students fake ???? (read more)

Can we steal money from you?

How? We do not take any money from you, we don’t have any of your financial information.No credit card details, no bank details, nothing! Again, How?

Can we collect all your data and sell it off?

No, we can’t do that legally (check the legal document).
There are huge databases available in market which can be bought illegally at 1 paisa per record.These databases have far more specific private information then what mGinger collects.
Anyway, right now, if we wanted to get this data, all we had to do was pay 1 paisa per record to some illegal sources and acquire lakhs of users in no time. This is what a lot of agents employed to tele-market do. And this illegality is what we hate and want to erase with mGinger.

What is the track record of founders?

We have left extremely cushy jobs and opportunities, practically went against close family and friend’s advice to follow this dream. We have impeccable records from the top universities and multi-national companies.

Well, so what?

We have only one answer to this: If you are skeptical, wait for a while.Time will answer your questions and then we will welcome you with open arms.

Will this work?

We believe it will.We believe the advertisers will soon see value in this. And they will come rushing!Our campaigns are changing advertiser’s mindset.
We invite you to think about the concept. We invite you to believe!We invite you to a revolution!!


mGinger - A new advertising paradigm!

With mGinger we, mGinger employees and you who have joined, have started nothing short of a revolution. A revolution in the advertising space. It is a new concept, a new paradigm.

Aren’t advertisements a pain?
  • You switch your TV on wanting to watch your favourite show and what do you get? A horde of Ads.
  • Switch on your radio…same deal.
  • Try reading some news and more ads.
  • Hoardings, Tele-marketing calls, carpet-bombing SMS ads.

The list goes on and on….They tax our brains, squeeze out our energies and turn us into zombies.

But take a second and think about this:What if they request for your permission before exposing you to ads? What if you are exposed to only those ads that are relevant to YOU at that point in time?
Then, the nature of the exposure changes. Ads turn into “Usable Information”. They empower you both in terms of knowledge and profit.
mGinger is a revolution because for the first time in Indian history, the users are asked for permission. The users are asked for their interests. The users are requested for a convenient time and convenient number of ads per day.
Then, should you get paid for such useful information?
No! Because the information itself pays you (since you will use it).But, the ground reality is, however precise your targeting gets there always remain some out-of-control variables which decide whether the information is useful or not. mGinger pays you for this wastage since it taxes your mind and time.
We welcome all of you to this revolution where each one of you gets empowered, gets to lead and gets the power to tell the big advertisers what you would like and what you wouldn’t. Every advertiser would like to become your friend and this gives you a chance to tell them how. Mind you, this will be a ground-up and a tough fight. A fight because we are going against conventionality, against a wildly prevalent attitude of taking us consumers for granted.But, eventually we will win because we believe it is the right way.


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